Hero on Edge: Buzzer Beat review!

Finally!! I have finished watching Buzzer Beat! After having lots of hesitations even considering to watch it and I know this review might be a little late, but after the last episode I feel like it deserves a some space in this blog. Does this mean that “boozer beat-o” is slam dunk? Or should we call a foul?

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Yamato Nadeshiko: New JE-filled drama to look foward to!

JE has always hammed it up for the TV screens when it comes to dramas, pairing JE idols like Kame and Pi, Takky and Ryo, Jin and Taguchi… But Uchi, Kame and Tegoshi in ONE drama? Let the JE fangirl-dom implode! More picspam and drama info under the cut!

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Masami Nagasawa flops not just once, but twice?

After winning the “Best Swimmer Award,” Japanese actress Masami Nagasawa takes another nosedive.
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Sailor Mars and Kurosagi to hook up?

And I am one happy fangirl.

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Two Ryos in one drama?


Nishikido RYO and Yamada RYOsuke, that is.

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Crossing Over: Sneak peek at the newest F4 in town

Rich boy falls in love with the poor girl. Will this story never end?
Apparently not.

101 signs that tell you’re a drama addict

Well, not really a hundred and one.

Okay since we’re on the subject of Asian dramas, let’s talk about some signs that tell you maybe you’re bordering on being too obsessed with watching too much of those dramas and get too addicted with the celebrities who play characters in them.

Hmmm… As for my own experience, I can say that there was a time when I was a drama addict and severely needed therapy. I can name a few instances, and draw some incidents from some people I know. So if you find yourself nodding to these signs… Go get tush in drama rehab if there ever is one, lol. Or maybe we can form a group session and our introduction would be…. "Hi, I’m _____, and I’m a drama addict."

Kdrama and Jdrama moments: Cliches or Must haves?

Hello gorgeous people!

Wow it’s been a long time since my last post. Well, you know my lame excuse, been busy and stuff. But man, I’ve missed raving slash fangirling and of course, ranting! Yes, it’s my double personality to be a (rather reluctant, sometimes out in the open, sometimes closet) fangirl myself and annoy other fangirls, lol. So! Let me first tell you a little background about this post. I was cleaning my DVD stash when I came across this really old copy of Winter Sonata, a Korean drama that’s one of those series that started the whole hallyu (wave) across Asia. I mean, come on, who can resist a buff bespectacled Bae Yong Joon , right? I mean, most of us wouldn’t like to admit it but yes! WE ARE ALL SUCKERS FOR MUSHY AND PERPETUALLY SAD AND DEPRESSING LOVE STORIES.

I know there are a lot of forums about drama cliches but well, let’s all relieve those unforgettable (mostly overused, tried and tested, however you may call it) moments in Korean and Japanese dramas!

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