Now and Forever: Celebrity Wedding Photos!

Hello gorgeous people of the world!

I am very excited to present to you this special post because it’s about a very special occasion – wedding. Almost every little girl dreams of the perfect and most romantic day when she will walk down the aisle towards the man she really loves, and who loves her in return. Well, we’re not limiting weddings to man-and-woman, as long as love’s concerned, gender, race, age, religion and the like do not really matter. Some may prefer to get married, some may not. Weddings also come in different forms, some may want to do it the traditional way, some may want it in an out-of-this-world and unique ceremony.

So! For today we are allowed to get sappy! Through out this post I will put up some of the best wedding/love quotes from famous people, just so we can get into the whole wedding feel.

Here are the wedding photos of our favorite celebs, whether in their real-life wedding or just in the photoshoots, I worked real hard to find these pics and I got blown away. I hope you will like them too!

Here comes the bride!